Transform your closet with Roomedys® Spacing Tape for Hangers (RST), It's fully customizable and provides unlimited spacing options.
Let us help
Use the Roomedys® calculator to determine the optimum number of hangers for your closet based on the length of your closet rod.
How long is your closet rod? Use the slider below to determine how many hangers will fit when using RST.
Number of Bumps
1 Hanger
Per Bump
1 Hanger
Every Othe
2 Hangers
Per Bump
Easy application
Single, double, or triple space your clothes
Clean your closet rod (wood, metal, plastic) with isopropyl alcohol to ensure the tape maintains a strong hold. Other household cleaners may repel the adhesive on the tape.
If possible, remove the closet rod for ease of application or use a step stool to get above the rod when applying directly in your closet.
Align the edge of the spacing tape for hangers with the end of the rod with the bumps facing up towards the ceiling.
Remove 2 inches of the liner to reveal the adhesive and anchor the spacing tape by pressing down firmly.
Slowly remove the rest of the liner, pressing the spacing tape down lightly on the closet rod as you go.
Apply as straight as possible. The spacing tape for hangers can be adjusted and repositioned if necessary. Be quick!
Place strips together or cut for a custom fit. Once the tape is down, press hard on all the bumps and the entire surface of the tape to remove any air bubbles.
Seal the edges by wrapping your hand under the closet rod and squeezing tightly against the tape’s length.
How to install?
P.S. Not recommended for narrow wire shelving.
Have fun organizing your closet!
Tips & Tricks
Customize your closet. Single, double, or triple space your clothes. It’s up to you!
Skip bumps to create clear sections.
When single, double, and triple spacing on the same rack, keep the spacing types together!
Always know where things belong. Leave hangers in place while wearing or cleaning your clothes. No more piles of messy hangers!
Teach your children the importance of organizing their clothes and how to maintain a tidy closet.
Make your clothes visible! If you don’t see them, you don’t wear them.
Never mess up your closet! You can really get in there and look at your clothes once they are hung up. Push them side-to-side! Turn them 45 degrees to look at what you have. Clothes fall back in place, leaving your closet always neat and perfectly organized.
Multiple uses! Coat closets, shower curtain rods, drapery rods, laundry room, storage room, and more.
Achieve an organized, functional, and beautiful closet by applying these tips and tricks.
Can't fit everything?
Needing to downsize and uncomplicate your life? Roomedys® recommends the following donation services for unwanted clothes.
Other ideas for donating:
Clothing Swaps With Friends
Foster Care Programs
LGBTQ+ Centers
Homeless Shelters
Charity Shops
Be the first to know about promos, new products, tips & tricks.
Use the same style of hanger throughout the entire closet.
Leave hangers in place even if there are no clothes on them.
Transfer your dry cleaning to a proper hanger. It’s worth it!
Face all clothes in the same direction.
Categorize your clothes by style, color, or season.
Pull your shirtsleeves out for a great closet display.
For a Designer Look
Don’t keep it if you haven’t worn it in over a year.
Donate it! Gift it! Sell it!
Rotate seasonal clothes.
Fold some things you usually hang.
Make a free-standing hanging rack a showpiece.
Keep coats in the coat closet or on a separate rack.
Have Limited Space?
Life just got much simpler! Be great!
I can’t believe I found a product that makes me look effortlessly organized. Where has this been all my life!
Suzanne S. - Actor
As a wardrobe and product stylist, I was thrilled to learn about this unique invention. Its minimal and thoughtful design is perfect for creating a uniform aesthetic without seeing the product itself. Perfect for home use and in my profession. I’m so excited to have something like this available in the market.
Liz R. - Stylist
Roomedys has been a game-changer for keeping my closet organized and looking clean! Very easy to install and helps keep all my dress shirts from getting bunched up and crinkled. Haven’t touched my iron since I installed my Roomedys Spacing Tape for Hangers.
Nils M. - Roomedys Early Adopter
Roomedys Spacing Tape for Hangers completely transformed my closet! As a busy Mom, I appreciate how quick and easy it was to apply. My clothes have a set spot, are perfectly spaced, and stay organized. I absolutely love it! I will definitely use it in my children’s closets as well!
Cate D. - Busy Mom
Roomedys – Remedy Fast! Very Intuitive.
Leah F. - Designer
Very fun to do and excellent result.
Meg R. - Designer
A brilliant product that 100% delivers. My closet is perfect. Always!
David L. - Film Producer
I love this product! Roomedys Spacing Tape for Hangers laid down easily and straight, with no adjustment necessary. The divider bumps make it possible to add and remove clothes without moving a hanger. My closet always looks calm and organized now. This is a far better way to display and choose clothes than anything else I’ve tried.
Barbara F. - President, Virtual Production Co.
I used to have a hard time keeping track of my clothes in crowded closets. Roomedys Spacing Tape for Hangers has been a game changer, allowing me to stay organized and turning my closet into something I want to show off!
Daren F. - Sports Agent
Roomedys Spacing Tape for Hangers instantly transformed my closet from a cluttered mess to looking professionally organized. I couldn’t believe how easy and affordable it was to upgrade my closet!
Sarah D. - Accountant